About Us
Together We Can Make Reading a Right, Not a Privilege

Our Story
Together We Can...
Welcome to The Marley Simms Foundation, a place where every child’s right to read is celebrated and nurtured. Named after Marley Simms, the charismatic and inquisitive character in Noelle Randall’s children’s book series “Marley Simms Does It Again,” our foundation serves as a beacon of hope and literacy for children everywhere.
Why Reading Matters
In an age dominated by screens, the importance of reading has never been more crucial. Reading not only enriches the mind but also sets the groundwork for a lifetime of learning, curiosity, and empowerment. As Marley Simms embarks on adventures like building a Homework Robot or tackling a wild Hair Day, we too aim to make reading an exciting adventure for every child.
Our Mission
We are committed to fighting childhood and adult illiteracy by making reading accessible, engaging, and fun for children from all walks of life. We believe that reading is not a privilege but a fundamental right. And we are here to make sure that right is upheld.
Our Approach
Reading-Centered Events
Through our creative and well-thought-out events, we merge the joy of reading with fun activities like roller skating, bowling, and visits to trampoline parks. Our goal is to make reading so entertaining that children will continue the habit long after they leave our events.
Merchandise That Matters
Our online store doesn’t just sell T-shirts and books; it sells the message of literacy. All proceeds go towards funding our reading programs and events.
Core Beliefs

Every Child Matters
Regardless of their background, every child deserves the opportunity to read.

Invest In A Child
A small investment today can change a child’s life forever.

Protect Our Children
We strive to counteract the influence of media and advertisers on young minds by promoting thoughtful reading.
How We're Funded
We are a registered 503(c) non-profit organization, funded entirely by people and companies who believe in our cause. All donations are tax-deductible, and even small contributions can have a significant impact.
Join Us
Why We Do This...
We are always looking for volunteers, donors, and advocates for our cause. If you’re passionate about children’s literacy and want to make a difference, we’d love to have you on board.
Contact Us
For volunteer opportunities and more, please reach out to us by filling out the form on our volunteer page.
Together, We Can
Together, we can shape a world where every child reads, thinks, and grows into an empowered adult. Thank you for being a part of this journey.

Where the money goes.
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Mauris porttitor tempor pretium. Nulla augue felis, sagittis sed metus sit amet, hendrerit ornare lectus. Sed consequat rhoncus lectus, eu tempus purus vulputate ac. Curabitur ornare lacus libero, a consequat nibh auctor ac. Vivamus maximus fermentum turpis vitae convallis.