Let's make their smile
Children really are the future.
Today’s children watch more television and spend more hours playing video games, mobile devices and on social media than ever before.
Every Child Matters.
Regardless of where you were born and the circumstances of your surroundings, every child deserves a chance in life. The best way to change the world is through our children. Every child needs to have the opportunity and help required to read. It’s not a privilege, it’s a right!
Invest In A Child.
Even a small donation of $5 helps our cause. We can work together to change the world for our children by letting them read and form their own opinions, not the media, marketers and advertisers.
Protect Our Children.
Today’s marketers are targeting our children. New tracking tools follow our children on the internet and feed them with “their” opinions and thoughts. We can fight against this and let our children develop their minds freely without being sold products and ideas.

About us
Together we can
Discover the mission and vision that fuel The Marley Simms Foundation. Learn how we are fighting childhood and adult illiteracy one book at a time. Named after the lovable character Marley Simms, our foundation aims to make reading a fundamental right for every child.
Our Causes
a child that reads will be an adult who thinks.
Why does reading matter? It’s more than just words on a page; it’s the gateway to a brighter future. Today’s children watch more television and spend more hours playing video games, mobile devices and on social media than ever before. We merge fun activities with reading to make literacy enjoyable for all. Donate to our cause and us transform lives, one book at a time.
We need your help
The Marley Simms Foundation is a public non-profit organization. All of our initiatives are funded by regular people, just like you…and we need your help.
Your support is essential to our mission. Small contributions can have big impacts. Every dollar you donate goes directly to promoting literacy among children.
We are in the planning stages of our next BIG event and we can use all of the help we can get. We are a registered 503(c) and all donations are tax deductible.
Ready to make a difference?

Become a Volunteer
Be A Part Of The Change
At MarleySimms.org, we believe in the power of collective action to create meaningful change. Volunteering with us is more than just giving your time and skills; it’s about being part of a community that’s dedicated to making a positive impact.
Event list
Join our event
The Marley Simms Foundation is currently in the planning stages of the first event in conjunction with the Dallas Independent School district and a major pizza chain.
We are holding a BIG party and you are invited. Each child should bring a book of their choice to read (if they do not have a book, there will be books provided) and then they will receive a FREE ticket to play and FREE pizza!
Volunteers are needed. Please email: noelle@marleysimms-org.preview-domain.com to help.
Together We Can…

The Marley Simms Does It Again book series written by, Noelle Randall, is an early reader chapter book series, primarily for children in grades K-3. The books feature the funny, feisty, video-game-playing Marley Kay Simms and her fun-filled adventures. All proceeds from the proceeds of the book sales are donated to the Marley Simms Foundation.
Please purchase books with confidence for your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, knowing that all books will benefit other underprivileged children whose school libraries needs books and a great majority of their students are not reading at grade-level. We can all do our part to improve the world and inspire a love of reading in a child.

together we can!
Get a book today for a child in your life and your purchase will go towards helping other children learn to read!
Marley Simms Does It Again: Hair Day
Marley Simms Does It Again: Homework Robot
Both Books Are Now Available As A Bundle In The Marley Simms Shop